Growbot – Walkthrough + 100% Achievements
Living Quarters
Pick up the Guidebook next to the bed.
Open the wardrobe, pick up the 3 Light Sprites.
π Find the Light Sprites
Find the Light Sprites in the cupboard.
Optional: For an achievement, go to the next screen (kitchen) and try to place one Light Sprite into the transporter (mirror-like thing on top of the shelves). Go back to the bedroom.
π Speed of Light Sprite
Try to teleport a Light Sprite!
Talk to the Light Sprite under the bed then place the Light Sprites you took from the wardrobe next to it to receive Light pollen.
Go to the kitchen.
Pick up the empty jar from the left cabinet.
Open the cupboard and pick up sugar and water.
Open the hatch in the floor and pick up solar berries.
Press on the doll-like figure from the top left shelf to talk to Starbelly.
Read the solar berry jam recipe from the book located on the lower of the right shelves.
In your inventory, mix the sugar, water and solar berries into the empty jar.
Place the jar into the reactor (the object that looks like a TV) to obtain the solar berry jam.
π Mmmm jam!
Make Solar Berry jam.
Put the resulting jam in the teleporter above the rightmost shelves.
Pick up the holo-prism from the same spot.
In your inventory, place the light pollen into the holo-prism.
Optional: For an achievement, click on the teleporter several times until a Hologhoul appears. You must have the Holo-Prism on (green light).
π Spooky surprise
Discover the Hologhoul inside the teleporter.
Put the resulting jam in the teleporter above the rightmost shelves.
Pick up the holo-prism from the same spot.
In your inventory, place the light pollen into the holo-prism.
Optional: For an achievement, click on the teleporter several times until a Hologhoul appears. You must have the Holo-Prism on (green light).
π Spooky surprise
Discover the Hologhoul inside the teleporter.
Optional: For an achievement (part 1/2), click on all the paintings from the kitchen and the bedroom (one screen to the left). You must have the Holo-Prism on (green light).
Go to the next screen.
Ring the doorbell. You can’t pass.
Go to the next screen.
From the left shelves, pick up the music box key and the blue heart (middle shelf) and the flower arranger (bottom shelf).
Use the key on the music box.
Click on Brainapilla (the cute pink creature).
π Smart robot
Collect Brainapilla.
From the right side of the screen, pick up the charged gemitters (top right, box with colored beads) and put them into the flower arranger from your inventory. Close the flower arranger menu for now.
Place the blue heart into the seed house (middle right shelf) and pick up the crystal fire.
Optional: For an achievement (part 2/2), click on all the paintings from the study. You must have the Holo-Prism on (green light).
π Captain’s log
Read all of the Holo-Tech pictures in the Living Quarters.
Go one screen back.
Use the crystal fire on the blue crystal to free the Geologist then talk to him. You receive the daily seed.
Go one screen to the right.
Place the seed you received from the Gelogist into the seed house (middle right shelf). Pick up the Daily note.
π΅ obtained: daisy
Go back one screen and use door bell.
π Grizzly gate keeper
Get past Wee Ted.
Try to go through the door.
Click on the shield.
Open your flower arranger (left side of your inventory).
You can listen to the combination you need to create by pressing the “Listen” button.
Use this setup and then click Create:
Use the shield key on the shield.
Go through the door.
From the left shelves, pick up the light pollen and the bottle of water.
Pick up the spray pump from the floor, next to the door.
Go one screen up and try to talk to the Head Gardner.
Drag Brainapilla onto the Head Gardner..
In your inventory, combine the light pollen and the water with the spray pump.
Spray the plants above the head Gardner with the resulted mixture.
Click on the flowers to collect the Bio Lumi note.
π΅ obtained: bio lumi
Go one screen down and click on the niche from the hill.
Click on the shield.
Use this setup and then click Create:
Use the shield key on the shield.
Pick up the spanner and water pipe from the opened container.
Go one screen down.
Replace the broken water pipe with the new one from your inventory.
Pull down the lever.
Press the dials in the order indicated by the dots then pull down the lever below it:
Now press the red lever to reroute the water, then press the purple lever on the left.
Go one screen to the right.
From your inventory, use the crystal fire to melt the blue crystal and get a winding key.
Collect the Light Sprites from the right side of the screen (white creatures).
Use the winding key on Robug (the tiny car), then place one Light Sprite in it to gather solar berries.
Click on the Robug and pick up the Light Sprite driver.
On the Cloud Machine in the back, press the pink lever to turn it on.
Use the leftmost lever to open the hatch, then place a Light Sprite in it, close it by pulling the left lever again, then click on the middle lever (sometimes right lever too) several times until the Light Sprite is absorbed.
Repeat two more times.
Left x 1 – Place Light Sprite – Left x 1 – Middle x 1
Left x 1 – Place Light Sprite – Left x 1 – Right x 3 – Left x 1
Left x 1 – Place Light Sprite – Left x 1
π΅ obtained: tulip, bluebell, wild flower, water lily
Go two screens to the left.
Click on the water lily.
Optional: For an achievement, click on the ponds until a white dragon appears (middle-left one should trigger it).
π Dragon Spotting
See a Water Dragon in the pond.
Click on Captain Art, then use Brainapilla on him.
From your inventory, use the spanner on Captain Art and then reassemble him.
π Robot parts
Fix Captain Art.
Talk to Captain Art, then use Brainapilla on him.
Click on Captain Art in order to connect to him.
From the shelves, collect Chinese lanterns (left), key (left), Sunflowers (right).
π΅ obtained: Chinese lantern, sunflower
Pick up the bottle from the desk and click on the book to read the instructions.
Use the key to open the door to the locked container up-top then click on the plants inside.
Click on the shield.
Use this setup and then click Create:
Use the Shield Key on the shield.
Pick up the loopy berries from inside.
In your inventory, combine the loopy berries with the water bottle.
Give the resulted mixture to Captain Art.
Open up the Flower Arranger from your inventory, click on Protect, then use the following setup (hint from the recipe on the desk):
Drag the Shield Key onto Captain Art, then talk to him.
Outside, move onto the stone next to the water lily.
Click on the shield.
Use this setup and then click Create:
Use the shield key on the shield.
Click on the stone again.
Water cave
Talk to the water dragon, then go one screen down.
Open the seashells, pick up the red and blue brites.
Talk to Starbelly.
Click on the purple button and listen to Crissy’s tale.
π Crissy’s tale
Learn about Crissy through Starbelly in the Maze room.
Go one room to the right.
Pick up the green color brite from inside the seashell.
Click on each of the the three Light Sprites.
Optional: For an achievement, click on all 4 rooms that light up, including the small room with the presents on the left side.
π Why bunnies?
See all of the bunnies in the Light Sprite homes.
Click on the control panel.
To send the Light Spites home, use the following order on the panel with colored buttons:
red – red – orange – green – dark blue
purple – red – red – dark blue – purple – orange – cyan
red – red – cyan – red
red – dark blue
purple – red to collect the purple brite
Go one screen to the right.
Talk to the octopus.
Pick up the pearl and the orange brite from inside the seashells.
Use the pink lever on the left of the coral reef.
Place the gears like so:
Press the leftmost of the two red buttons on the coral reef.
Put the pearl into the leftmost pipe (the one uncovered) then press the rightmost red button on the coral reef.
Optional: Click on the Nudibranch for an achievement.
π Squish a Squirt
Click on a Squirt or Nudibranch.
Pick up the key and the machine part from the area around the floor opening.
Go one screen up.
Talk to Mavis.
From your inventory, use the octobot body on Stitch (the frog), then use the key on the frog.
Give the frog to Mavis.
π Be kind
Return Stitch to Mavis.
Click on the Light Sprite in the elevator and wait for it to go down with the ship.
Go one screen up to pick up the blue color brite that was stuck behind the Light Sprite.
Go one screen down and drag the color brites into the slots on the coral reef.
π Rainbow brites
Restore colour to the Coral Reef.
Enter the Coral Reef.
Press the buttons in the following order: purple – orange – pink – red, so that all 4 types of flowers bloom at the same time. It’s a timed event that requires good timing, but easily done if you click on purple and orange first, then spam-click the pink one until it lights up then quickly red.
Click on the yellow light to collect the scary flower note.
π΅ obtained: scary flower
Talk to the Head Gardener.
π Dark story
Chat to the Head Gardener in the Coral nursery.
Go one screen back to leave the coral reef, then two screens to the left and one up to go back to the beginning of the area.
Click on the seahorse.
From your inventory, open the flower arranger.
Press on Attack then use this combination:
Press on Attack button.
Use the shield key you obtained on the blue crystal top left of the maze to destroy it.
use the following button combinations to free the sea dragons:
red – blue x 4 – pull lever
red – blue x 3 – yellow x 4 – pull lever
red x 2 – pull lever
red – blue x 4 – pull lever
red – blue x 3 – yellow – pull lever
π They be Planimals!
Free the Water Dragons.
Back to the surface, talk to Captain Art (all dialogue options).
Go one screen to the right then up towards the Head Gardener.
Give Naraβs heart gem to the Head Gardener then talk to him (all dialogue options).
π Rise and shine
Wake up the Head Gardner.
Click on the growbloom / growbot.
π Lazy Growbloom
Activate Nara’s Growbloom.
Go one screen down to the door.
Set the dial to 3 (Engineering) and then press the button to ring the doorbell.
Click OK.
Talk to Starbelly.
Solve the sliding puzzle on the bottom right.
Click on the sliding puzzle again and solve it fo collect the second ingredient.
Use the elevator to go down one level.
Talk to the fire creature next to Starbelly.
Take the left side elevator up, use the crystal fire to melt the ice on the drumstick then pick it up together with the drum and the cup.
Take the elevator downstairs.
Place the cup on the red cross from the floor.
Give the drum and the drumstick to Firepuff.
Optional: click on Firepuf to start dancing.
π Robot rock
Make Nara dance!
To solve the puzzle, you’ll have to turn the wheel and drag the keys so that they match the lines on the wheel (you’ll need to rotate the wheel for each of them until it’s in the right position).
Turn the wheel clockwise.
Turn the wheel clockwise.
Turn the wheel clockwise three times.
Turn the wheel clockwise.
Turn the wheel clockwise seven times (or one time anti-clockwise).
Click on Starbelly.
Pick up the cup and give it to Starbelly.
π Full steam ahead
Collect power from Starbelly.
Go downstairs using the elevator and pick up the firepuff flower note.
π΅ obtained: firepuff flower
Try to exit through the door.
Click on the shield.
Use this setup and then click Create:
Use the shield key on the shield.
Music Room
Click on the flower.
Use the teleporter on the right to go one level down.
Pick up the blue glass pipe from the waterfall and use the crystal fire to melt the ice encasing the red pipe.
Talk to the ghost.
π Ghost talk
Talk to the rookie Ghost.
Click on the flower where the ghost was to collect a new note.
π΅ obtained: snowdrop
Use the teleporter on the right to go down one level.
Go to the left and take the teleporter one level up.
Collect the 6 jars.
Click on the machine and place them so that they match the colors of the tubes.
Use the teleporters again to reach the hexagonal puzzle on the lower level.
The idea is to move the numbers to a position in which they can satisfy the target sums.
In order to do this, the 2 numbers (you can see which ones you need from the edge of the circle around the target number) have to be placed on two different circles that intersect at that specific spot.
To move a number onto a circle, bring it in the middle, then click on a petal to select the corresponding circle you want to move it onto.
Click in the following order:
3 (down) – 3 (down) – 3 (down) – green petal (middle) – 17 (left) – 2 (right) – 2 (right) – 2 (right) – yellow petal (middle) – 6 (left)
6 (left) – 6 (left) – blue petal (middle) – 1 (left) – 17 (right) – 17 (right) – 17 (right) – 17 (right) – purple petal (middle) – 3 (left)
1 (left) – 1 (left) – orange petal (middle) – 8 (right) – 17 (left) – 17 (left)
2 (down) – 8 (right) – 8 (right) – blue petal (middle) – 1 (right) – 2 (down)
3 (left) – 1 (right) – 1 (right) – red petal (middle) – 2 (down)
Use the teleporter again to go up then click on the left teleporter.
Click on the shield.
Use this setup and then click Create:
Use the Shield Key on the shield.
Use the colored elevator to go to the next screen.
Click on the crystal, then click on all the colored segments around it to activate it.
Click on button 1.
The puzzle is already solved for you.
Click on button 2.
Click on button 3.
Click on button 4.
Click on button 5.
Click on button 6.
π Shiny new Shield
Make a new shield for the Ventral station.
Talk to Starbelly.
Make your way through the labyrinth.
The objective is to pick up 4 parts that are guarded by Ghouls.
Click on the Starbelly to pick up the shield, then drop it somewhere further away from the Ghoul in order to attract him. Use the time he spends moving to the shield to get past the spot that he was previously blocking.
The first part is easy, just go down and left and you’ll see it.
Continue the path up until you reach the next shield.
Pick up the shield at 1.
Place it at 2.
Move to 3 and wait till the ghoul passes you.
Quickly click on 4 to move there. The second part is on the right.
Pick up the shield at 1.
Place it at 2.
Move to 3 and wait till the ghoul passes you.
Quickly click on 4 to move there.
Pick up the shield at 1.
Place it at 2.
Move to 3 and wait till the ghoul passes you.
Quickly click on 4 to move there.
Pick up the shield at 1.
Place it at 2.
Move to 3 and wait till the ghoul passes you.
Quickly click on 4 to move there. The 3rd part is nearby and you have a free path to it.
Next, just run into a ghoul and you’ll be transported at the top of the maze. Follow the path down around the crystal, and as soon as you see the 4th part you can click on it – the Starbelly will find its way to it.
In the end, return to the center.
Click Yes.
π΅ obtained: nowhere flower
From your inventory, open the flower arranger.
Press on Quantum then use this combination:
Press on Quantum again.
Use the Quantum Shield on the Crystal.
π Hero’s Journey
Save Kino.
Optional: For an achievement, talk to all the creatures in the scene (including the ones up-top), leaving Kino at the end (leftmost of the Growbots).
π Social butterfly
Chat to all of the characters on top of the Power Flower.
Talk to Lieutenant Kino (leftmost of the Growbots).
Click on Crissy (the Growbot from your inventory) and watch the ending cutscene.
Related: Growbot review