

Four months had passed since Tonguç Bodur’s latest Steam release, Pluviophile and just as the world changed seasons since, the game’s scenery also progressed from late summer / early autumn to winter. Chionophile is the direct sequel of Pluviophile, depicting a wintery environment this time, similar in beauty and structure with the one created in Pluviophile. The forest trees have shed their leaves, the fine drops of drizzle turned into frail snowflakes, the land is now covered in white snow and ice.

In terms of gameplay, Pluviophile and Chionophile are pretty much the same. Both are short (~30-45 min), slow-paced walking simulators with very few puzzle elements: in each of the areas, you’ll need to find a flower and bring it to the corresponding stone altar in order to unlock a poetry snippet and the way to the next area. While in Pluviophile and pretty much any other Tonguç Bodur game, you usually walk down a narrow path, in Chionophile there is a much larger area of movement and exploration. Because of that, the points of interest are marked on the game world but they can be toggled on / off (displayed / hidden) with a mouse click.

If you enjoyed playing through Pluviophile or if you’re looking for a short game to chillax (with easy achievements), then you might consider picking up Chionophile – it’s worth the dollar you’d spend on it.

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